

not available

Kis (Keep It Simple) Image Converter is currently powered by ImageMagick. Following are features available -- Convert between most of following formatsaai, art, arw, avs, bmp, cmyk, cmyka, crw, cur, dcm, dcr, dcx, dcx, dds, dib, djvu, dng, dpx, fax, fits, gif, gray, hdr, ico, info, inline, jng, jp2, jpg, jpt, j2c, j2k, jpeg, jxr, mat, miff, mono, mng, mrw, mtv, nef, orf, otb, p7, pam, palm, pbm, pcds, pcx, pdb, pef, pfm, pgm, picon, pict, pix, png, pnm, ppm, psd, ptif, pwp, raf, rgb, rgba, rfg, rla, rle, sct, sfw, sgi, sun, tga, tiff, tim, ttf, uil, uyvy, vicar, viff, webp, wpg, xcf, YCbCr, YCbCrA, yuv
Not all formats are tested. Especially encoding can fail in some formats.
- Ad supported freeware with no limits to number of files to convert and no limits of other kind. To keep it free ads are shown. - Currently quick conversion to popular formats are enabled. JPG to PNG to GIF to TGA to WEBP to JPEG to etc- Resize image using % of exact pixel values.- Multiple ways to convert conveniently. Convert from app Or use a file explorer like ES filemanager and open an image with KisImageConverter Or select image file(s) and press share from any app and select KisImageConverter. Above all methods add the images to conversion list.
(Developer related)- GraphicsMagick is now also available and if it gives more benefit will be added with ImageMagick.
A lots of formats are there to test and i have not tested many of formats but they are expected to work because its powered by ImageMagick tool of PC. Kindly report if problem occurs in app.
TODO:- Convert image to desired file size. E.g. convert to image file size of 10-100 KB.- Add more formats in target format list.- Implements more features like flip, mirror etc if needed.- Enable features like multiple images to animated gif.